Military Ministry Builder

Support those who serve us! Veterans need you now more than ever.

Show your appreciation for Service members, Veterans and their families by helping them connect within your place of worship and community. Military Ministries foster a sense of belonging, offer practical support and help military-connected people regain touch with their spiritually.

All faiths encouraged to participate!

Click here to take the “Military Ministry” Quiz.

To equip volunteers to lead Military Ministries, Attend Military Ministries Matters Monthly Coaching Call, click here.


National Veteran-Support Education & Resource Directory

A directory for faith community leaders, providing explanations, links and/or contact information for nearly 100 educational resources and service organizations that support Servicemembers, Veterans and their families. Features self-assessments tools and links to dozens of educational videos.


Ohio’s Faith Community Leader Veteran-Support Resource Directory

Ohio-based Veteran community support resources with explanations of services, links and/or contact information. Features a list of key organizations’ Facebook pages.


Jump-start your Military Ministry:

Introduction to Military Ministry: Why, What and How.

This 1.25 hour training familiarizes you with the unique role of the faith community, practical ways to foster connections with Service members, Veterans and their families and a roadmap for starting a volunteer led Veteran-Connection ministry.


Military Ministry Tools

These ready-to-use resources will help you get your Veteran-Connection ministry started. * Military-Connected Persons Survey. * What to Say to a Veteran Who is Struggling. * The Signs & Symptoms of Suicide. * Learn to Recognize the Signs of Suicide. * How to Connect with Others. * The Key Elements of Trust. * How to Become a Better Listener. * Quizes: 1) Are You a Good Listener? 2) How to Assess Leadership Potential. * Veteran-Connection ministry You Tube Play List.


Military Ministries Matter

1-hour virtual dialogue once a month via Zoom to foster best practices and provide encouragement for building a Military Ministry. Appropriate for volunteer faith community and clergy leaders. $5 per month. Copy and paste Zoom Meeting information below Meeting ID: 896 7689 7469 Passcode: 996067


Other Services:

  • Consulting to help you build a customized Military Ministry. 
  • The Fallen Comrades Ceremony. A powerful ceremony that helps military connected people heal, our communities acknowledge their sacrifices and symbolically share their burdens. See video, here and learn more here.
  • Leadership Development. Click here to learn more.  
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Contact us, here.

Sign up for Vanguard Veteran’s monthly e-newsletter by clicking, here.

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